I would like to present you the CD cover - Igor Kucer Emotion Group presents songs by Andy Warhol‘s mother Julia Warhola. Simple concept reflects the mailing correspondence of Julia Warhol, content of which were also unique recordings of folk songs (acapella) sent by air mail from America to Slovakia - „to region“. Igor Kucer Emotion Group presents these folk songs in the new garb, which perfectly mixes opera singing with jazz and fusion elements.

Predstavujem vám CD cover – Igor Kucer Emotion Group presents songs by Andy Warhol’s mother Julia Warhola. Jednoduchý koncept reflektuje poštovú korenšpondenciu Julie Warholovej, ktorej obsahom boli aj unikátne nahrávky ľudových piesní (acapella), ktoré leteckou poštou zasielala z Ameriky na Slovensko „do kraju“. Igor Kucer Emotion Group predstavujú tieto ľudové skladby v novom šate,
v ktorom sa dokonale mieša operný spev s jazzom, či s prvkami fusion. 

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